Britney Spears’ Attorney Talks About Hit-And-Run And Other Legal Issues

LAWFUEL – The Legal Newswire – Troubled pop star Britney Spears could show up at a Los Angeles police station any moment now to be photographed and fingerprinted. She has until October 25 to do so, and it involves this August 6 incident. Fox News reports.

Michael Flanagan, Britney Spears’s attorney in the hit-and-run incident, joins us in Los Angeles. Michael, I know that you don’t — you’re not dealing with the child custody, so I’m just going to ask you about the accident case. And I don’t want to be an apologist for Britney Spears. She’s got lots of problems going on. But when she was negotiating that parking spot, were the paparazzi all around her car?

MICHAEL FLANAGAN, ATTORNEY FOR BRITNEY SPEARS: Well, there was — looked like there was about 20 or 30 of them. They all had cameras. It was rather distracting to her. Some people got the impression that she was — she was cavalier about the whole situation, but she was really distracted.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Her problem, though, is that having had the accident, whether it was — whether it was — there was aiding and abetting, for lack of a better word, by the paparazzi, she then, unfortunately for her, left and didn’t leave a note, right?

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