The “Hottie” Barrister List . . And The Winner Is . .

hottie barrister list, the number one hot barrister

hottie barrister list, the number one hot barristerHow sexist? How appalling? Men being judged by women and – not just that – male lawyers, barristers no less who are on a “hottie” list compiled by a couple of women who are evidently looking for a boyfriend. It’s like a little Facebook-in-Chambers.

The 21 barristers were put together through a list drawn up by a journalist and an art historian who were looking to date a barrister who they regarded as intelligent, articulate and attractive. As one said, “they ought to be honourable. In reality a lot are rather dull, so we thought this was a fun way of finding the nicest nes around”.

The other commented to the London Evening Standard that the attraction to barristers was because of the “ethos and tradition of the British legal world” and unlike bankers who came across as “rather horrible”

The pair, both London-based Americans, looked at the photographs and biographies of barristers on chamber websites and compiled a list of their favourites.

Patrick Hennessey, a former officer of the Grenadier Guards, author and now barrister, topped the list, which was published on Wednesday on

The 31-year-old who works at 39 Essex Street chambers is described as “like Prince Harry but with brains. And attractive.”

He said: “Most unusually for a barrister, I’m speechless. It’s a tremendous honour and very reassuring to know that if the current misconceived and ham-fisted attempts at reform end up breaking the justice system altogether some of us at least have a sporting chance in an even older profession.”

Monckton Chambers’ Daniel Beard QC is ranked number five in the listings, but confessed that his wife preferred another 39 Essex Street member, Rory Dunlop.

“I just can’t say how enormously proud I am to have made this list,” he commented. “For any barrister this is the pinnacle. Unfortunately my wife says she prefers number 17.”

derrick-barristerNumber 2, Derrick Dale QC is said to be a “Ted Hughes-style lady-killer, a charmer of the old school variety who is more suited to the silver screen than the bar. Think of Robert Mitchum with h is menacing sex appeall, dimpled chin and naughty twinkle . . Derrick, who professes to be a fan of post-war cinema- whatever that is – cuts a fine figure with his msart suit and dishevelled hair. He knows he’s da bomb . . ”

You get the picture.

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