Managing Collaboration in the Law Firm

Managing Collaboration in the Law Firm

Managing Real Collaboration and Change: An Overview


Everyone knows how the practice of law is changing, including a major push from clients not only on billing and billing methods but also to simply understand their requirements.

Six Stages of Concern Affecting Law Firm Innovation

Clients are driving a need for lawyers to be more attuned to their needs and requirements and understanding those issues creates some major competitive advantages for law firms who grasp the challenge.

An article on JDSupra Perspectives from Mellie Neitlich (left) looked at ther so-called ‘CBAM Model, which is an acronym for the Concerns Based Adoption Model,a change process model copyrighted at the Research & Development Center, The University of Texas at Austin. 

The primary goal must focus on how to make legal engagements a win for the client…

Just discussing change has never been an effective strategy for making change. For decades law firms have looked in the rear view mirror and clung to the history of how things were done. These days, however, more and more firms are accepting that the practice of law has changed and embracing the fact that change is all client driven now.

In order to create a positive transition firm-wide implementation plans should begin early in the process. Clearly stated expectations and a safe learning environment will greatly enhance the probability of success.

Deal with cultural issues such as:

  • What are the front‑end concerns of each individual that the innovation effects?
  • How might this affect each individual?
  • What is expected from each person and over what time frame?
  • Does this process negate or put into question some basic givens about the firm culture?

The article refers to the six Stages of Concern in respect of any innovation that is being implemented in a law firm.

Stages of Concern

Stage 0 . . . . . . . . . . Awareness

Stage 1 . . . . . . .. Informational

Stage 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .Personal

Stage 3 . . . . .  . . .Management

Stage 4 . . . . . . . . Consequence

Stage 5 . . . . . . ..Collaboration

Stage 6 . . . . . . . . . Refocusing

The elements required to implement successful law firm innovation can be seen at the article here.

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