10 Of The Craziest Laws In The US

10 Of The Craziest Laws In The US

Katrina Hatchett* – Now, you may not know it, but the United States is home to some of the most outrageous laws that have ever been put into fruition. You heard right! Some places in the US have bizarre laws, whether they managed to send the test of time, or may no longer being enforced today. Plus, these rules can make great trivia to share with your friends. 

In today’s article, we’ll uncover ten of the craziest laws that were ever declared in the US. (Trust us; some of these will shock you!)

1 Don’t Honk Your Horn Near A Sandwich Shop After 9 PM

“If you have a tendency to honk your car honk, well, you may want to be cautious in Arkansas,” says Lois Scheel, a lawyer at Writemyx and Next coursework. “According to the laws in Arkansas, it’s illegal to honk your horn in front of a sandwich shop after nine o’clock at night, since that’s when all of the businesses are closed, and when many people are asleep.”

2 All Public Buildings Should Have Their Doors Open Outwardly

Although this law may sound peculiar to visitors of Washington, but there’s actually a legit reason for this law. Having the doors open outwardly is to make sure that people can leave quickly, in case of a fire or some other emergency. 

But what happens when someone violates this order? They get charged with a misdemeanor. 

3 Drunkeness Is Not Allowed In A Bar

The state of Alaska seem like they’re doing a service to its citizens by protecting them from drunk people. And how are they doing this? By sending police to go into bars, search for people who are seemingly drunk, and arrest them on the spot. This law has been enforced since 2012, and has no plans of being changed any time soon. 

4 When Someone Wins More Than 25 Times, Kill The Game

The state of Arkansas apparently doesn’t like when someone wins at a pinball game numerous times, or stays at a particular slot machine in hopes of winning cash. With this law, gambling is considered illegal, and discourages the use of machines that promote it. 

5 Never Keep A Couch On Your Porch

Well, you can thank the hoodlums from the University of Colorado for burning couches for some odd reason. Therefore, a law was enforced to make sure that no one was to leave their couches on their porches. While this law is still active to this day, the fact that people had burned couches has already made people in the rest of the country scratch their heads as to why this happened in the first place.

6 Pickles Must Keep A Balance

Want to be put in a pickle (no pun intended)? No? Didn’t think so.

In fact, there’s a law in Connecticut that has put farmers and pickle growers on edge. It was reported that in 1948, two men were arrested and fined for selling pickles that were quote-en-quote “unfit for human consumption.” But why? It was later determined that the pickles in questions didn’t bounce, and they were considered inferior to sell in the market. Thus, the balance test was enforced to make sure that grown-to-sell pickles were legitimate, or else you’ll get fined, and your pickles would go to waste. 

7 You Can’t Live On A Boat For More Than 30 Days

Before you make plans to spend retirement on a boat, the state of Georgia won’t let you do that, not even for more than 30 days. So, if you plan on living on a boat, then the Peach State isn’t the right place for you. 

8 Don’t Sweep Debris Into The Street

“Some people may be tempted to sweep dust and debris onto the street,” says Billy McDonald, a blogger at Brit student and Australia 2 write. “However, that’s considered illegal in Idaho, because you’re disturbing the flow of traffic on streets, highways, alleys, or any other road used for public travel.”

9 Don’t Be An Idiot And Vote

You heard right! “Idiots” are banned from voting in elections in the state of New Mexico. This state defines “idiots” as “insane persons convicted of a felonious or infamous crime.”

10 Paying A Psychic Is Illegal

Plan to get your fortune read by a palm reader or fortune teller? Then don’t do it in Pennsylvania, since fortune tellers are banned from the Keystone State. That’s right. You can’t engage in things like fortune telling, tarot card reading, etc. for monetary compensation. 


So, whether based on silly rumors, or on urban legends blown out of proportion, these are some of the craziest laws to spawn from the US. So, hopefully, you do your research first, before visiting any of the states mentioned in this article.

10 Of The Craziest Laws In The US

Katrina Hatchett blogs for Coursework writing services and Academic paper help. As a writer, she has been involved in many business projects. She also edits for PhD Kingdom. Also, she enjoys identifying project problems and find solutions for them. Her ultimate goal is to improve the effectiveness of our communication.

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