Information in paragraph form can be difficult to digest, especially when readers review your resume in a matter of seconds. Bullet points make information easy to digest.

Think of a department store. It can be overwhelming to see so many products. You do not know where to start and sometimes skip it all together. Don’t run the risk of scaring off the reader by not making your resume reader friendly. Make it easy for the reader to digest the information.

5. Show me the numbers.

Numbers help the reader of your resume to better understand your impact. It is an illustrative and efficient way to convey your accomplishments. Instead of saying, for example, that you “consistently exceeded annual sales goals through strong client management and excellent opportunity identification,” you could say, “Completed 2016 at 113% of annual goal.” Numbers can help your accomplishment speak for itself and are more effective than using tons of words to describe what you did.

6. Don’t mention Microsoft Office.

Do not include your proficiency in technical or computer programs like Microsoft Office. For better or worse, you are assumed to know how to navigate common programs. Share technical skills and proficiencies that are less common and more specific to your role.

When it comes to your resume, less is more. Resist the urge to cram tons of information into the document. Let the reader appreciate the best parts about you. And don’t worry if you leave pieces of information out. Use this information later to continue adding value and keep the conversations fresh.

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