Accident Attorney: How The Right Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Deliver Justice

Accident Attorney: How The Right Car Accident Lawyer Can Help Deliver Justice
Samuel Dordulian

Dordulian Law Group – While you might feel lucky to be alive after your accident, it’s possible that your fight to survive is just beginning. Car accidents can have long-term consequences, and to get the financial assistance you’ll need to regain the quality of life you had, you’ll need to aggressively protect your interests in a court of law.

Learn more about how the legal battle to secure damages for your accident could shape up once you enter the courtroom.

How an Accident Can Turn into a Courtroom Battle

In an ideal world, insurance companies representing the people or entities involved in your accident would simply pay up and provide you with all the compensation you need to get your life back on track after your accident. However, things are rarely that easy, and you may need to take your case to court if you want to dig yourself out of the hole created by your accident.

Perhaps an insurance company doesn’t want to pay up, or maybe the party responsible for your accident is trying to evade blame. Whatever might be causing the financial difficulty related to your accident, it may be necessary to convince a judge to order the compensation you deserve.

Establishing Responsibility

Finding out who was responsible for your accident is a big part of determining adequate compensation for car accidents. If another party was entirely responsible for your accident, for instance, you could end up receiving a significant settlement, but if a judge determines that you were partially responsible, the amount you receive may be reduced.

Keep in mind that trying to get compensation for your accident can backfire if you don’t work with the right car accident lawyer. In a worst-case scenario, the party that’s actually responsible for your accident could successfully contend that the accident was your fault, and you could end up having to pay damages when you should be receiving compensation instead.

Determining Damages

To determine how much money you’ll receive in damages for your car accident, the judge presiding over your case will calculate the degree of your “pain and suffering” as closely as possible. Obvious examples of pain and suffering include injuries sustained at the time of the accident, but crash-related injuries that set in weeks or months later can also be considered pain and suffering requiring compensation.

Additionally, other types of setbacks such as financial issues and relationship problems related to the accident are sometimes considered to be types of pain and suffering. To get the maximum amount of compensation possible, you’ll need the right lawyer by your side to express your case to a judge.

Receiving Justice

Once a judge has determined that someone else was responsible for your accident, you’ll be eligible for damages. Some entities, such as insurance companies, often pay the entirety of your damages up front, but if you’ll need to receive damages directly from an individual, other methods of securing payment, such as asset seizure and wage garnishing, may be necessary.

Get the Results You Need with the Right Lawyer

When securing compensation for your car accident gets complicated, you’ll need to work with a qualified lawyer to receive the funds you require to get your life back on track.

Dordulian Law Group, is experienced in obtaining compensation for accident victims, which is why we are firm advocates for legal education regarding car accidents. The more you know, the better you and your lawyer will be able to defend your interests in the courtroom when your case comes before a judge.

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