Florida Car Accident Legal Lessons – When to hire a Florida car accident attorney

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We have been asked about specific laws relating to car accidents in Florida and the specific issues you may face when hiring an attorney following an accident in the Sunshine State. This answer is from car accident lawyers Anidjar & Levine.

Florida is a pretty dangerous state to drive in, ranking third in states with the most number of car accidents in 2022. According to statistics Florida is the state with the third most fatal car accidents, with almost 3000 fatal car accidents in 2022. There are over 1000 daily car accidents in the state, on average.

This is due to the number of out-of-state vacationers that travel here on an annual basis. Therefore, it’s reasonably likely that you may get into a car accident at some point in your life if you live there and you need to know how to handle such a situation should it occur.

Regardless of how severe your injuries were due to a Florida automobile accident, you need to be aware of Florida’s car accident laws and how they affect you in terms of any accident.

Legal representation ensures that your rights are upheld and that you can demand the highest compensation permitted by law.

Florida Car Accident Legal Lessons - When to hire a Florida car accident attorney
Marc Anidjar

As Miami car accident lawyers at AnidjarLevine.com we’re aware how important it is to hire legal counsel for your auto accident claim as early as possible to both comply with necessary time limit requirements and to properly handle insurance issues and requirements.

All car crash cases must be filed in Florida four years after the accident’s date. You might not be entitled to any damages due if you don’t adhere to this strict deadline.

Many individuals wonder how much the legal representation will cost and whether it will be worthwhile when weighing the reasons why they should engage a car accident attorney in Florida.

You should consider the difficulty of handling your case alone and the possibility that a lawyer could obtain a larger settlement.

1. They’ll take care of your case while you recover

First and foremost, it is important to know that matters are in hand while you recover from the accident and before medical expenses increase, or charges mount up regarding the repair or replacement of your vehicle.

A decent and experienced car crash attorney, your investigations and case will build a case, compile the documentation for your case, and concentrate on getting better.

2. They are aware of rules, deadlines, and statutes

Florida’s vehicle crash laws are a little complex. However, having a lawyer on your side who is knowledgeable about the state’s legal system, the best time to sue, and your prospects for receiving compensation might make things easier for you.

Florida is one of twelve states that operates as a ‘no-fault state,’ meaning that drivers must have a minimum insurance coverage. The Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is also called ‘no-fault’ insurance because it pays for the damages of each driver regardless of where the fault for the accident lies.

Florida also requires that there be property damage liability insurance. Knowing the ins and outs of the legal requirements for insurance and then handling the insurers is key to achieving a satisfactory outcome to any car accident.

Florida is like other states too where there is a time limit for bringing a wrongful death or personal injury claim. Even though you would be entitled to compensation, failing to meet the time could prevent you from doing so.

If you deal with a lawyer, they will be well aware of the time restriction in your case and will ensure you adhere to both this statute of limitations and all other pertinent deadlines.

3. Your insurance company is not rooting for you

Remember that while it could appear like your insurer wants to negotiate a settlement and ensure you receive fair pay, your welfare is not their top priority. Instead, adjusters are often tasked by insurers with minimizing payouts and safeguarding the financial health of their organization.

They might employ various strategies and gimmicks to reduce the amount of compensation you obtain, such as attempting to convince you to make a recorded confession or say something that would be detrimental to you.

With a legal team, all correspondence with the insurers will be handled. They are familiar with how insurance firms operate and will defend your entitlement to a reasonable financial settlement.

4. Your lawyer should assess your situation and look for an appropriate

It’s not always simple to figure out how much an automobile accident case is worth. Your lawyer will identify the right amount for your case before settlement talks start. This process might involve:
● Collecting evidence of compensatory damages
● Estimating the cost of intangible losses.
● Establishing future healthcare costs by consulting with specialists.
Your lawyer will total the expenses and damages you suffered and work out the amount they
think you could get back in a reasonable settlement deal. This amount may be much larger
compared to what you’d have asked.
Vehicle accident attorneys know the places to check for damages, such as intangible losses,
rental car charges, and other costs. If you engage with a lawyer instead of representing
yourself, you may be able to collect a lot more money.


In conclusion, most car accident law firms offer free consultations for prospective clients to become acquainted with their claims, legal possibilities, and the company’s services. These case evaluations are complimentary, private, and do not have a subtle obligation to retain the company.

They will go over their pricing structure in further detail at this meeting. Most of these firms work on a contingency basis. No retainer or up-front charges will be required from you.

Instead, the company will utilize its assets to advance your case and demand damages. Their fees are deducted from any compensation or reward they get for you; if you do not win any compensation, they are not paid any fees.

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