The Legal Risks with Ridesharing

The Legal Risks with Ridesharing

What To Do If You’re Involved in a Ridesharing Accident

The Legal Risks with Ridesharing

Paul Hyder – Ridesharing has seen a rise in popularity in cities across the US, in recent years. For many people, ordering an Uber or Lyft ride from an app is a natural thing to do. According to research, this especially applies to younger people.

Indeed it is their allegiance to ridesharing apps that is pushing usage figures up significantly to the point that ridesharing may lead to a greater usage than with personal vehicles.

recent study from Accenture, which surveyed more than 1,000 consumers in the U.S., showed that almost two out of every three people (63 per cent) who use ridesharing services would be willing to give up their car entirely and commit to using ridesharing services exclusively.

That’s an impressive figure that is changing the way we use transport – but there are legal consequences that need consideration.

One of the problems that ridesharing seems to be creating is a rise in fatal motor vehicle accidents by around 2-3%. Although the amount of research carried out is still limited, it seems that having ridesharing services on the streets could be increasing the number of accidents that take place. Hopefully, most rideshare users will never be involved in a fatal rideshare accident, but any accident can be damaging and users may not be as protected as they may think if a passenger in a rideshare. 

Consider the key ‘rideshare’ issues –

  1. Insurance coverage issues of rideshare services 

In many towns and cities rideshare drivers can operate using their own vehicle insurance; they are not required to have commercial insurance. This is different to regular cab drivers. Although the operators of the rideshare services, such as Lyft and Uber, do carry rideshare insurance, it may not be the answer to everyone’s problems. 

This insurance can help to fill in the gaps, but rideshare operators do not want claims to be paid out if payment can be avoided, as it ends up costing them more money. So, how can you give yourself the best chance of being covered, if you are involved in a rideshare accident as a passenger?

  1. Actions that you need to take 

In order to try and make sure that you are covered, if you are involved in an accident while traveling in a rideshare vehicle, there are certain actions you should take.

  • Make sure that help is called 

If you have injuries as a result of the accident, you need to make sure that everything is documented. This is why having a police report is so important. 

  • Get all of the information you need from the driver

It’s important to make sure that you get the details of the person who was driving the vehicle you were in, before either of you leave the scene. This includes full insurance details and details of which ridesharing company is involved. 

  • Seek treatment for any injuries that you have 

Make sure that you are checked over and treated. There may be effects of the accident that cannot be seen on the surface. 

  • Keep track of expenditure 

If you are going to be looking for reimbursement of your expenses, including lost income, you need to keep a record of any money that you spend, or earnings that you lose, as a result of the accident. You should keep receipts wherever possible. 

  • Seek professional help 

You may want to contact an Uber Accident Lawyer, such as I Accident Lawyer, to help make sure that you get any financial reimbursement you are entitled to following a ridesharing accident. 

Combining these steps can help protect you, and make sure that you are covered, should you ever be involved in a rideshare accident, as a passenger. 

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