Why Trump Team Changed Lawyers in Immigration Row

Why Trump Team Changed Lawyers in Immigration Row


Donald Trump’s severe travel restriction reversal, but there were troubles in his legal team immediately prior to the defense mounted by Camp Trump.

The Justice Department changed lawyers, report Bloomberg LLP

The two lawyers representing Justice were exchanged because of their relationship with law firm Jones Day. August Flentje, a longtime Justice Department lawyer, argued the government case.

The lawyers who stepped aside worked until recently at Jones Day, which filed a brief on Monday opposing the administration’s order to bar U.S. entry to people traveling from seven majority-Muslim countries. The executive branch doesn’t have “unreviewable authority” to suspend the admission of a class of aliens, Jones Day argued in a brief on behalf of several constitutional scholars.

At least a dozen lawyers have joined the administration from Jones Day, a Cleveland-based firm with 2,500 lawyers in offices around the world. Other Jones Day alumni include Donald McGahn, the White House general counsel. That has raised the possibility of appearances of conflict on a range of matters, including for the two attorneys who have until now led the government’s defense of the immigration ban.

Those acting in the case were Acting Solicitor General Noel Francisco and Acting Associate Attorney General Chad Readler, who only recently joined the Trump administration from Jones Day.

At the Justice Department, both Francisco and Readler led the administration’s effort to get a San Francisco-based appellate court to restore the executive order on immigration while a Seattle court examines its legal foundations.

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