Why Go To Law School? Here are 22 Reasons Why Its a Good Idea

Why Go To Law School? Here are 22 Reasons Why Its a Good Idea

We all know that law schools are under attack for over promising on the jobs front during a seriously down market.  But there are a bunch of other reasons why going to law school makes a heap of sense and this list, written by Madison Rutherford at San Francisco State University, provides a mere 22 of them.  From College.com

Suits and Legally Blonde convinced you that you want to be a lawyer. Will you get to argue a high profile case during your three years? Probably not. But law school offers rewarding experiences you won’t find anywhere else. Here are 22 perks of law school that will help you decide if a legal career is your calling.

1. Know Your Rights

Ever heard someone say, “Is that even legal?” Come to the rescue with an educated answer. Knowing your rights as a citizen, employee or tenant will come in handy before you make an assumption and accidently cross the line.

2. Contest a Ticket Like a Boss

After law school, you’ll finally know how to dispute that pesky parking ticket. Most people just give in and pay fines because they don’t feel like reading the fine print or going through the trouble of writing a convincing explanation. However, learning the ins and outs of the law—and how to use it to your advantage—is just one valuable thing you’ll gain from a law degree. You’ll no longer have to groan when you see that white slip neatly tucked under your windshield wiper or panic when you see flashing lights in your rearview mirror. Even though going to law school doesn’t mean you’re above the law, it will teach you how to stand up for injustice.

3. Make Any Agreement Iron Clad

Did your friend agree to build you a professional website in exchange for LSAT tutoring? A law degree provides you the legal writing skills to make any contract binding, even a friendly agreement between pals. Avoid those conflicting interpretations like when your friend swears he only agreed to a couple lines of code.

4. Become an Interview Snob

Andrew Metzar, a 2009 law school graduate, said that law school was extremely helpful in helping him through the job interview process. “You have to teach yourself or learn how to be a good interview, sitting across from someone and presenting yourself in the best and most favorable way possible, which I guess is an extension of what you’re trying to do as a lawyer as well,” he said.

5. Convince Others

Do you and your girlfriend disagree on whether or not robots are taking over the world? Do you and your best friend fight over which posters best represent the vibe of your apartment? Does your boss think you’re slacking when you think you’re overworked? Law school will teach you how to approach conflicts with different types of people, how to understand their mindset and how to deliver your points of view. This will position you to win any argument. A law degree won’t ensure that you’re always right, but it will teach you how to convince others that you are.

6. Get Real World Experience

Law schools offer externships or legal clinic programs to give students an experiential education. Kristin Moore, a third year law student, already works directly with clients, which gives her a sense of real cases she’ll experience in the future. For Moore, it’s her favorite part of law school.

7. Negotiate a Raise

You will, without a doubt, graduate from law school knowing how to handle any argument like a pro. It will also teach you that nearly everything is negotiable—including that starting salary. Studying law will help you see both sides of a situation in order to craft a top-notch counterargument.

8. Be Purposeful

Studying law trains students to speak with conviction, act with poise and write with purpose, which filters in to all aspects of their lives. “You’re just a lot more intentional in your actions and your thinking,” said Moore. “You’re thinking about strategy and about outcomes a lot more than I think I did before I went to law school.”

Be purposeful about your law school application by attending a free Law School Forum held by the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). Each Forum features live workshops that demystify the application process, including a session with the LSAT creators. If you were nervous about how to tackle your personal statement, the Forums will break it down for you. The insider-knowledge will ultimately enhance the quality of your application.


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