11 Year Old Boy Turns in Mom Over Marijuana Stash

11 Year Old Boy Turns in Mom Over Marijuana Stash

An 11 year old boy turned in his mother and step-father for marijuana use after becoming sick of the smell of the weed. Photographing the stash and fowarding it to his biological father resulted in a raid on the couple’s Dakota home where eight pounds of marijuana was found in Walmart bags.

The boy’s mother, probation officer Heidi Siebenaler, 40, has been charged with possession of marijuana and the step-father, Mark Siebenaler is also charged with intent to distribute.

Mark Siebenaler said the drugs are for medicinal purposes, following a brain injury about 20 years ago.

He said: ‘I smoke marijuana and I’m not ashamed to say it.’ But in Minnesota marijuana is illegal.

The boy’s eight-year-old brother also lives in the house.

The couple claimed that Heidi Siebenaler did not know about the drugs, and that the marijuana was kept away from the children.

Read more at the Daily Mail Here

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