6 Steps to Winning Your TPD Claim

6 Steps to Winning Your TPD Claim
6 Steps to Winning Your TPD Claim
LawFuel Brief

A total and permanent disability claim has several aspects to it. Read this blog post to learn all about filing a winning TDP claim.

TPD stands for Total and Permanent Disability. It’s a claim filed by a person when they have been rendered incapable of performing their job. Many people have their TPD claims rejected by their insurer, even if they have solid grounds.

This is mostly because they made mistakes when filing a TPD claim. In this blog post, we will share 6 steps to a successful TPD claim to help you win the compensation you deserve. So keep reading to learn more.

Our Guide to Filing a Winning a TPD Claim

Many people hire specialist TPD lawyers for their claims. Some TPD lawyers work on a no claim, no fee basis; this means that you’ll pay your lawyer if you win the claim. With that said, let’s learn how to file a winning TPD claim.

A TPD claim is an insurance claim and most superannuation funds require to provide some level of TPD cover, which essentially provides lump sum compensation for those who become permanently disabled through injury, although the actual definitions of what a TPD claim actually is will differ depending upon the insurance policy itself.

A TPD claim is an insurance claim made through your life insurance policy. This can be a stand-alone insurance policy, or through your superannuation.

Check If Your TPD Policies Are Valid to Your Claim

To claim against a TPD policy, it must be valid when you get injured or ill; this can be tough to spot because some illnesses develop over time.

So, think hard of the time you became aware of your injury or illness. Then assess which TDP policies were valid during that time.
If your TDP policy expired when you filed a claim, but your injury occurred while the policy was active, you can win the compensation you deserve.

Understand The Approval Criteria

Go through the terms of your TDP policy and try to make some sense out of them. If you have trouble understanding your TDP claim policy, ask a legal expert with experience in this area, such as Smiths lawyers for help. You need to understand what qualifies for a lump sum payout.  A lawyer with expertise in the area can soon provide that advice for you.

For instance, your TDP policy might cover the following,

Eligible for a payout if you are unlikely to return to work in your occupation.
Eligible for a payout if you are unlikely to work in any occupation.
Therefore, with some TDP policies in Australia, you don’t necessarily have to be unfit for all types of work.

Submit a Thorough Application

Many people casually fill an application form and assume their claims would be accepted. However, filing for a TPD claim takes careful planning and sending all relevant documents. You’ll need to send your medical records along with your claim as proof.

If you are missing any documents, make sure you collect them from the doctor and file your claim. Sending an incomplete claim drastically reduces your chances of acceptance. It’s better to send late than to send an incomplete claim.

Follow-up With Your Insurer

Follow-ups are more important than you think. Most people feel like they are bothering their insurance agency by weekly follow-ups, but that’s not true. Inquiring about the status of your claim process is your right.

In a way, you are reminding your insurer about your TDP claim. Plus, putting a little pressure on the insurance agency ensures that your claim is processed quickly. Your TDP lawyer can guide you on how to inquire about your claim process without breaching any boundaries.

Follow Up on The Dispute If Your Claim is Denied

If your TDP claim is denied, don’t assume your matter ended here. There are options to dispute against a wrongful denial. Your TDP lawyer can take matters in hand and personally deal with a denied claim. If you have solid grounds, proper documentation, and a legitimate reason.

Explain Why Your Claim Should be Accepted

Send a written document explaining why your claim should be accepted. By mentioning your TDP policies and date in the claim, you strengthen your case for approval. Most of the time, insurance companies will deny your claim without a valid reason.
It’s your responsibility to explain your case and prove that you satisfy your TDP policy, ensuring your claim is accepted and you win the compensation you deserve.

Share Medical Evidence

A key part of your claim’s success is medical documentation. Although it’s a time-consuming process, it’s absolutely necessary. Different insurance companies have different requirements. Therefore, a TDP lawyer can easily instruct your doctor on what is required. Your medical documents entail your doctor’s comments. Explaining your medical condition becomes necessary for a winning claim.

Don’t Give Up

TPD claims take a lot of time, and your compensation may be stalled. If you give up, you’ll lose the compensation you deserve. The best way to file a successful TPD claim is to hire a lawyer for assistance.

A TDP lawyer will help you navigate through the rough sea of legal requirements. However, if you have a solid reason, proper documents, and medical records, your claim should be approved without the need for a lawyer.

Source: Smiths Lawyers

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