Don’t Mess With This Judge Who Dropped the C-Bomb

Don't Mess With This Judge Who Dropped the C-Bomb

Dropping the C bomb is not something you would expect from any judge, let alone a British High Court judge like Patricia Lynch QC.

She visible stunned her court when sentencing a racist defendant, John Henningan, 50, who told her she was “a bit of a c***”.

Her immediate response was  “You are a bit of a c*** yourself. Being offensive to me doesn’t help.”

Hennigan shouted back: “Go f*** yourself.”

“You too,” replied the judge.

Central NewsJohn Hennigan


The Judge jailed Henningan for 18 months for his insults to a Caribbean mother, after hearing that he had 23 convictions for 47 offences and which included  Nazi salutes and racist incidents.

However the incident has not gone off entirely without a combination of blame and praise for the Judge.

A complaint has been made to the UK Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

But scores of people have praised her reaction and use of the “Queen’s English”.  Some saying she is both a hero and and idol.

Among the supportive tweets – Stan Keaton tweeted: “Judge Patricia Lynch QC has a cracking reply to a racist thug in her courtroom.”

Luke Farley said: “Hats off to Judge Patricia Lynch. I think it was a reasonable response given the vile racist in front of her.”

And Marc Thomas posted: “It is a bit hard to give children role models nowadays but Judge Patricia Lynch QC is definitely one.”


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