The Common Damages the Surviving Family Can Recover in a Wrongful Death Case

<strong>The Common Damages the Surviving Family Can Recover in a Wrongful Death Case</strong>


Losing a cherished loved one is a heart-wrenching experience, made even more devastating when it is caused by the carelessness or misconduct of another party. The pain and suffering that surviving family members endure in such situations can be overwhelming. 

While nothing can bring the departed back to their loved ones, expert legal guidance can ease the burden on survivors by helping them to get the maximum compensation as well as the justice they deserve. In this article, we delve into the damages that surviving family members may be entitled to recover, providing a glimmer of hope in an otherwise bleak and trying time.

1. Economic Damages

Economic damages are intended to compensate the surviving family members for the financial losses they have suffered as a result of their loved one’s death. Common examples of economic damages in a wrongful death case include:

  1. Medical expenses – If the deceased received medical treatment before passing away, the family may recover the costs of that treatment.
  1. Funeral and burial expenses – The family may be entitled to reimbursement for the costs of the funeral and burial services.
  1. Lost wages and future earnings – If the deceased was the primary breadwinner for the family, the family may be able to recover the income that the deceased would have earned in the future.
  1. Loss of benefits – The family may also be able to recover the value of any benefits that the deceased would have received, such as pension or retirement benefits.

It is important to gather documentation to support these economic damages. This can include medical bills, pay stubs, and tax returns.

2. Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages are intended to compensate the surviving family members for the intangible losses they have suffered as a result of their loved one’s death. Common examples of non-economic damages in a wrongful death case include:

  1. Pain and suffering of the deceased – The family may be able to recover damages for the pain and suffering their loved one experienced before passing away.
  1. Loss of companionship and consortium – The family may also be entitled to damages for the loss of the companionship and support of their loved one.
  1. The emotional distress of surviving family members – The family may be able to recover damages for the emotional distress they have suffered as a result of their loved one’s death.
  1. It is important to demonstrate the impact of the death on the surviving family. This can be done through testimony from family members or mental health professionals.

3. Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are intended to punish the defendant for their conduct and to deter others from engaging in similar conduct in the future. In a wrongful death case, punitive damages may be awarded if the defendant’s conduct was particularly egregious or reckless.

To be awarded punitive damages, you must demonstrate that the defendant acted with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of others. Punitive damages are not available in all cases and are subject to certain limitations.

Factors That Can Impact Damages

The number of damages that can be recovered in a wrongful death case can be influenced by a number of factors. Some examples of factors that can impact damages include:

  1. Age and health of the deceased – If the deceased was elderly or in poor health, the damages awarded might be lower.
  1. The number of surviving dependents – The more dependents there are, the higher the damages awarded may be.
  1. Defendant’s financial resources – The damages awarded may be limited if the defendant does not have the financial resources to pay them.
  1. Jurisdictional limitations – Different states may have different laws that impact the damages that can be recovered in a wrongful death case.

It is important to work with an experienced attorney who can navigate these factors and help you get the maximum compensation that you deserve.


In conclusion, losing a loved one to the negligence or wrongdoing of another party is a tragedy that can leave surviving family members emotionally and financially shattered. However, the damages that can be recovered through a wrongful death case can serve as a beacon of hope, helping to ease the burden and provide a sense of justice for the loved one who lost his or her life.

Therefore, if you find yourself in this situation, it is crucial to seek the advice of an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process and fight to get you the maximum compensation that you deserve.

<strong>The Common Damages the Surviving Family Can Recover in a Wrongful Death Case</strong>

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