Bob Jones: Is Trump Done For? (And The Perfect Woman To Take His Place)

Bob Jones: Is Trump Done For? (And The Perfect Woman To Take His Place)
Bob Jones: Is Trump Done For? (And The Perfect Woman To Take His Place)

Sir Robert Jones – Even the right-wing media have now seemingly written off Trump’s prospects of re-election, so overwhelming are the polls. Furthermore, they continually worsen.

Trump’s Presidency has been disastrous, not just for America but the world. It’s hugely desirable it ends. But I don’t think that’s a certainty given there’s still some time before the election.

Trump’s best asset is Biden, surely the most ineffectual main Party Presidential candidate in the post-war period, if not ever.

An inspiring running mate might lift Biden’s prospects but it’s hard to envisage anything but a blood bath in the Presidential debates, exposing Biden’s dithering vacuity.

There’s no doubt America’s rivals, notably Russia, China, and North Korea, see their interest best served by a continuing destructive and debilitating Trump Presidency. What might they cook up to lift his prospects, one wonders?

That said, Trump’s hard-core base will remain staunch.

Four years ago the best-seller Hillbilly Elegy was published. This was a remarkable memoir of life in the rust-belt states, straight out of Once Were Warriors.

The author, J.D. Vance, who grew up amidst this, painted a horrific picture of ignorance, child neglect, unemployment, alcoholism, drug addiction and stagnation, and solid Trump voters, all of them. Nothing has changed, as indeed it hasn’t here since Alan Duff’s hard-hitting novel first appeared three decades back.

So with four months to go I’m certainly not writing off Trump’s chances of a second term.

A foreign military escapade, improving economic figures, fear of a Democrats administration’s punitive taxes, particularly on wealth, and many other possibilities, could see Trump scrape home.

Amidst all the madness of contemporary America, here’s what I’d like to see to lighten what’s been a horrific year.

At the last moment Trump has a serious heart attack and drops out and with no time for any process the Republicans put up Trump’s Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Remove her unneeded ridiculous false eyelashes and she’d certainly get my vote if I had one. She’s not only stunning but bloody smart and plays the press like a trout. Most of all a McEnany Presidency would cheer everyone up and that currently is America and the world’s most pressing need.

Source: NoPunchesPulled

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